Building a Network of Open Science EnthusiastsFA Ambassadors are local resources for increasing conversations around open science. Together, we're cultivating awareness, fostering openness, and equipping the scientific community with tools for change.

Our Current Academic Ambassadors
Name | Address | Area Of Specialization | |
د. ايات كمال | ayatkamal20@gmail.com | ٢٠شارع اسماعيل سري | معهد بحوث وقايه النباتات قسم الاكاروس-مركز البحوث الزراعيه |
Amira Hani | amirahani288@gmail.com | egypt | Statistic |
Mohamed Ismail Abdel-Ghaffar Fayed | dr_eng.fayed@yahoo.com | Egypt | Agricultural Engineering |
Hanaa Kamal Abdelatty Amin | hanaa.amin@arc.sci.eg | Elwarrak, Giza, Egypt. | Animal and Poultry physiology, nutrition, biotechnology |
Taha Ali | asf662@gmail.com | Egypt | Political Science |
Nermin | drnerminelnady@gmail.com | Cairo | Medicine. Science |
Asmaa gaber kamel | gaberasmaa903@gmail.com | 21 ali heba Street sidibashr | Chemistry |
Asmaa gaber kamel | gaberasmaa903@gmail.com | 21 ali heba Street sidibashr | Chemistry |
Eman | emaneldalil39@icloud.com | Egypt | giza |
Mahmoud Kamal Ali Meabad | monzer.mk63@gmail.com | New valley | Cairo |
Tasneem Gamal Mansour | tasneem.gamal998@gmail.com | المنوفية – شبين الكوم | Science of chemistry and microbiology |
Walaa mlehaa | walaa_khalial9009@yahoo.com | El.menoufia egypt | Chemistry |
Rawan Hassan Othman | rawanhassan343@gmail.com | Suez, Egypt | Editing – Researching – Proofreading – Translation |
Ibrahim Abdel-Azim Ibrahim Saad | ibrahimsaad30@hotmail.com | Egypt | Sericulture |
أحلام حامد محمود | ahlamhamed856@gmail.com | Damanhour, Elbehera, Egypt | English literature |
Mahmoud Hussein | mahmoudhussien339@gmail.com | Egypt, Currently Cairo | International Law |
Saad Aboelsoud Elhabashy | Saad.elhabshy@alexu.edu.eg | Alexandria city, Egypt | Agriculture, Crop Science |
Prof Dr Hamada Abdel Wareth | profdrhamadaabdelwareth@gmail.com | Egypt, El Fayoum. Sennories | Plant protection, vegetable & aromatic plant pests |
Prof. Dr. Samah Mokbel | dr.samahmokbel@gmail.com | 9 gamma st., giza, Egypt | Plant pathology and production of plant tissue culture |
Abeer Abd El-Salam salem | drabeersalem753@gmail.com | Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt | Stored product insect pests |
Abeer Abd-Elsalam Salem | drabeersalem753@gmail.com | Kafr-Elsheikh, Egypt | Kafr-Elsheikh |
ABADA Rofia | abadarofia@gmail.com | 17, rue du 19 juin 1965, Constantine 25000 | Architecture and urbanism |
ABADA Rofia | abadarofia@gmail.com | 17, rue du 19 juin 1965, Constantine 25000 | Architecture and urbanism |
Prof. Dr. Neven Mohamed Nabeh Nagy | neven.nagy@agr.dmu.edu.eg | Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University | Pomology |
Hamidillo | akbaridiyev515@gmail.com | 81, Mirzo Ulugbek str. Tashkent 100170, Al-Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Republic of Uzbekistan | History of education, Oriental studies, History of Central Asia |
Wachira Gikonyo | asap.essays1@gmail.com | Kahawa, Nairobi | Criminology, Economics finance, Accounts, Law |
Davood Shiri | dshiri14@ku.edu.tr | University of Sheffield | online optimisation, operations research, transportation and logistics, supply chain management |
Crostian | Randieri@intellisystem.it | Via Augusto Murri N.1 – 96100 – Siracusa (ITALY) | Computer Science, Data Base, Artificial Intelligence, Human Computer Interfaces |
Dr Umesh Balkrishna Jagtap | umeshjagtap93@gmail.com | Department of Botany Rajaram College Kolhapur, India Pin 416004 | Plant Biotechnology |
Shaheen Jahan | jshaheen08@gmail.com | 156/1 Thallon Street Carlingford 2118 Sydney | Finance |
JOSEPH JUMA KAITA | jumakaita@gmail.com | ‘+254720176279’ | Corporate Finance and Computer Science |